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Introduction to MonkeyDrainer

Key Features of MonkeyDrainer

  1. What Assets Does MonkeyDrainer Withdraw:
    MonkeyDrainer extracts tokens, NFTs, phone numbers, domains, and usernames from connected wallets.

  2. Instant Asset Withdrawal:
    MonkeyDrainer allows for the instant withdrawal of all assets from a wallet to another address within the TON network. Using JettonProxyHoneypot, the system creates the illusion of a token transaction, which appears as a legitimate operation, while the actual assets remain secure.

  3. Automatic Transaction Initiation:
    Once the wallet is connected, MonkeyDrainer automatically initiates the withdrawal process, eliminating the need for any further user action. The process is cyclic — after one transaction completes, the next begins, until all assets are withdrawn.

  4. Smart Asset Sorting:
    The system automatically sorts tokens, NFTs, phone numbers, domains, and usernames by their value in USD, starting with the most valuable. Unprofitable assets are discarded, and TON is reserved in advance to cover transaction fees, ensuring all operations are completed with minimal costs.

  5. Operation Efficiency:
    MonkeyDrainer combines the TON transfer and Honeypot call in a single transaction, saving operations and speeding up the withdrawal process.

  6. Support for Various Wallets:
    MonkeyDrainer is compatible with all wallets supporting WalletConnect, including Tonkeeper, Tonhub, OpenMask, and TonWallet, ensuring maximum flexibility and compatibility.

  7. Logging and Telegram Notifications:
    Integration with Telegram allows instant notifications for all actions and transactions via a bot, providing complete control and real-time monitoring.

  8. Support for Log Separation by Domains:
    MonkeyDrainer supports separating log chats by domain, making it easier to track and manage transactions for different projects and clients.

  9. Integration and API:
    MonkeyDrainer offers powerful tools for developers, including API (REST/WebSocket) and a client library for Vue. This makes integrating the functionality into websites or other projects quick and easy.